Source code for pvlib.solarposition

Calculate the solar position using a variety of methods/packages.

# Contributors:
# Rob Andrews (@Calama-Consulting), Calama Consulting, 2014 
# Will Holmgren (@wholmgren), University of Arizona, 2014 

from __future__ import division
import logging
pvl_logger = logging.getLogger('pvlib')
import datetime as dt

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz

from import localize_to_utc, datetime_to_djd, djd_to_datetime

[docs]def get_solarposition(time, location, method='pyephem', pressure=101325, temperature=12): """ A convenience wrapper for the solar position calculators. Parameters ---------- time : pandas.DatetimeIndex location : pvlib.Location object method : string 'pyephem' uses the PyEphem package. Default. 'spa' uses the pvlib ephemeris code. pressure : float Pascals. temperature : float Degrees C. """ method = method.lower() if isinstance(time, dt.datetime): time = pd.DatetimeIndex([time,]) if method == 'spa': ephem_df = spa(time, location) elif method == 'pyephem': ephem_df = pyephem(time, location, pressure, temperature) else: raise ValueError('Invalid solar position method') return ephem_df
[docs]def spa(time, location, raw_spa_output=False): ''' Calculate the solar position using the C implementation of the NREL SPA code The source files for this code are located in './spa_c_files/', along with a README file which describes how the C code is wrapped in Python. Parameters ---------- time : pandas.DatetimeIndex location : pvlib.Location object raw_spa_output : bool If true, returns the raw SPA output. Returns ------- DataFrame The DataFrame will have the following columns: elevation, azimuth, zenith. References ---------- NREL SPA code: ''' # Added by Rob Andrews (@Calama-Consulting), Calama Consulting, 2014 # Edited by Will Holmgren (@wholmgren), University of Arizona, 2014 try: from pvlib.spa_c_files.spa_py import spa_calc except ImportError as e: raise ImportError('Could not import built-in SPA calculator. '+ 'You may need to recompile the SPA code.') pvl_logger.debug('using built-in spa code to calculate solar position') time_utc = localize_to_utc(time, location) spa_out = [] for date in time_utc: spa_out.append(spa_calc(year=date.year, month=date.month,, hour=date.hour, minute=date.minute, second=date.second, timezone=0, #timezone corrections handled above latitude=location.latitude, longitude=location.longitude, elevation=location.altitude)) spa_df = pd.DataFrame(spa_out, index=time_utc).tz_convert( if raw_spa_output: return spa_df else: dfout = spa_df[['zenith', 'azimuth']] dfout['elevation'] = 90 - dfout.zenith return dfout
def _ephem_setup(location, pressure, temperature): import ephem # initialize a PyEphem observer obs = ephem.Observer() = str(location.latitude) obs.lon = str(location.longitude) obs.elevation = location.altitude obs.pressure = pressure / 100. # convert to mBar obs.temp = temperature # the PyEphem sun sun = ephem.Sun() return obs, sun
[docs]def pyephem(time, location, pressure=101325, temperature=12): """ Calculate the solar position using the PyEphem package. Parameters ---------- time : pandas.DatetimeIndex location : pvlib.Location object pressure : int or float, optional air pressure in Pascals. temperature : int or float, optional air temperature in degrees C. Returns ------- DataFrame The DataFrame will have the following columns: apparent_elevation, elevation, apparent_azimuth, azimuth, apparent_zenith, zenith. """ # Written by Will Holmgren (@wholmgren), University of Arizona, 2014 import ephem pvl_logger.debug('using PyEphem to calculate solar position') time_utc = localize_to_utc(time, location) sun_coords = pd.DataFrame(index=time_utc) obs, sun = _ephem_setup(location, pressure, temperature) # make and fill lists of the sun's altitude and azimuth # this is the pressure and temperature corrected apparent alt/az. alts = [] azis = [] for thetime in sun_coords.index: = ephem.Date(thetime) sun.compute(obs) alts.append(sun.alt) azis.append( sun_coords['apparent_elevation'] = alts sun_coords['apparent_azimuth'] = azis # redo it for p=0 to get no atmosphere alt/az obs.pressure = 0 alts = [] azis = [] for thetime in sun_coords.index: = ephem.Date(thetime) sun.compute(obs) alts.append(sun.alt) azis.append( sun_coords['elevation'] = alts sun_coords['azimuth'] = azis # convert to degrees. add zenith sun_coords = np.rad2deg(sun_coords) sun_coords['apparent_zenith'] = 90 - sun_coords['apparent_elevation'] sun_coords['zenith'] = 90 - sun_coords['elevation'] try: return sun_coords.tz_convert( except TypeError: return sun_coords.tz_localize(
[docs]def ephemeris(time, location, pressure=101325, temperature=12): ''' Python-native solar position calculator. The accuracy of this code is not guaranteed. Consider using the built-in spa_c code or the PyEphem library. Parameters ---------- time : pandas.DatetimeIndex location : pvlib.Location Other Parameters ---------------- pressure : float or DataFrame Ambient pressure (Pascals) temperature : float or DataFrame Ambient temperature (C) Returns ------- DataFrame with the following columns SunEl : float of DataFrame Actual elevation (not accounting for refraction)of the sun in decimal degrees, 0 = on horizon. The complement of the True Zenith Angle. SunAz : Azimuth of the sun in decimal degrees from North. 0 = North to 270 = West SunZen : Solar zenith angle ApparentSunEl : float or DataFrame Apparent sun elevation accounting for atmospheric refraction. This is the complement of the Apparent Zenith Angle. SolarTime : fload or DataFrame Solar time in decimal hours (solar noon is 12.00). References ----------- Grover Hughes' class and related class materials on Engineering Astronomy at Sandia National Laboratories, 1985. See also -------- pvl_makelocationstruct pvl_alt2pres pvl_getaoi pvl_spa ''' # Added by Rob Andrews (@Calama-Consulting), Calama Consulting, 2014 # Edited by Will Holmgren (@wholmgren), University of Arizona, 2014 pvl_logger.warning('Using solarposition.ephemeris is discouraged. ' \ 'solarposition.pyephem and are ' \ 'faster and more accurate.') pvl_logger.debug('location={}, temperature={}, pressure={}'.format(location, temperature, pressure)) Latitude = location.latitude ''' the inversion of longitude is due to the fact that this code was originally written for the convention that positive longitude were for locations west of the prime meridian. However, the correct convention (as of 2009) is to use negative longitudes for locations west of the prime meridian. Therefore, the user should input longitude values under the correct convention (e.g. Albuquerque is at -106 longitude), but it needs to be inverted for use in the code. ''' Latitude = location.latitude Longitude=1 * location.longitude Year = time.year Month = time.month Day = Hour = time.hour Minute = time.minute Second = time.second DayOfYear = time.dayofyear DecHours = Hour + Minute / float(60) + Second / float(3600) Abber=20 / float(3600) LatR=np.radians(Latitude) # this code is needed to handle the new format string try: utc_offset = pytz.timezone([0]).total_seconds() / 3600. except ValueError: utc_offset = time.tzinfo.utcoffset(time[0]).total_seconds() / 3600. pvl_logger.debug('utc_offset={}'.format(utc_offset)) UnivDate=DayOfYear UnivHr = DecHours + utc_offset - .5 # Will H: surprised to see the 0.5 here, but moving on... #+60/float(60)/2 Yr=Year - 1900 YrBegin=365 * Yr + np.floor((Yr - 1) / float(4)) - 0.5 Ezero=YrBegin + UnivDate T=Ezero / float(36525) GMST0=6 / float(24) + 38 / float(1440) + (45.836 + 8640184.542 * T + 0.0929 * T ** 2) / float(86400) GMST0=360 * (GMST0 - np.floor(GMST0)) GMSTi=np.mod(GMST0 + 360 * (1.0027379093 * UnivHr / float(24)),360) LocAST=np.mod((360 + GMSTi - Longitude),360) EpochDate=Ezero + UnivHr / float(24) T1=EpochDate / float(36525) ObliquityR=np.radians(23.452294 - 0.0130125 * T1 - 1.64e-06 * T1 ** 2 + 5.03e-07 * T1 ** 3) MlPerigee=281.22083 + 4.70684e-05 * EpochDate + 0.000453 * T1 ** 2 + 3e-06 * T1 ** 3 MeanAnom=np.mod((358.47583 + 0.985600267 * EpochDate - 0.00015 * T1 ** 2 - 3e-06 * T1 ** 3),360) Eccen=0.01675104 - 4.18e-05 * T1 - 1.26e-07 * T1 ** 2 EccenAnom=MeanAnom E=0 while np.max(abs(EccenAnom - E)) > 0.0001: E=EccenAnom EccenAnom=MeanAnom + np.degrees(Eccen)*(np.sin(np.radians(E))) #pdb.set_trace() TrueAnom=2 * np.mod(np.degrees(np.arctan2(((1 + Eccen) / (1 - Eccen)) ** 0.5*np.tan(np.radians(EccenAnom) / float(2)),1)),360) EcLon=np.mod(MlPerigee + TrueAnom,360) - Abber EcLonR=np.radians(EcLon) DecR=np.arcsin(np.sin(ObliquityR)*(np.sin(EcLonR))) Dec=np.degrees(DecR) #pdb.set_trace() RtAscen=np.degrees(np.arctan2(np.cos(ObliquityR)*((np.sin(EcLonR))),np.cos(EcLonR))) HrAngle=LocAST - RtAscen HrAngleR=np.radians(HrAngle) HrAngle=HrAngle - (360*((abs(HrAngle) > 180))) SunAz=np.degrees(np.arctan2(- 1 * np.sin(HrAngleR),np.cos(LatR)*(np.tan(DecR)) - np.sin(LatR)*(np.cos(HrAngleR)))) SunAz=SunAz + (SunAz < 0) * 360 SunEl=np.degrees(np.arcsin((np.cos(LatR)*(np.cos(DecR))*(np.cos(HrAngleR)) + np.sin(LatR)*(np.sin(DecR))))) #potential error SolarTime=(180 + HrAngle) / float(15) Refract=[] for Elevation in SunEl: TanEl=np.tan(np.radians(Elevation)) if Elevation>5 and Elevation<=85: Refract.append((58.1 / float(TanEl) - 0.07 / float(TanEl ** 3) + 8.6e-05 / float(TanEl ** 5))) elif Elevation > -0.575 and Elevation <=5: Refract.append((Elevation*((- 518.2 + Elevation*((103.4 + Elevation*((- 12.79 + Elevation*(0.711))))))) + 1735)) elif Elevation> -1 and Elevation<= -0.575: Refract.append(- 20.774 / float(TanEl)) else: Refract.append(0) Refract=np.array(Refract)*((283 / float(273 + temperature)))*(pressure) / float(101325) / float(3600) SunZen = 90 - SunEl #SunZen[SunZen >= 90] = 90 ApparentSunEl = SunEl + Refract DFOut = pd.DataFrame({'elevation':SunEl}, index=time) DFOut['azimuth'] = SunAz-180 #Changed RA Feb 18,2014 to match Duffe DFOut['zenith'] = SunZen DFOut['apparent_elevation'] = ApparentSunEl DFOut['apparent_zenith'] = 90 - ApparentSunEl DFOut['solar_time'] = SolarTime return DFOut
[docs]def calc_time(lower_bound, upper_bound, location, attribute, value, pressure=101325, temperature=12, xtol=1.0e-12): """ Calculate the time between lower_bound and upper_bound where the attribute is equal to value. Uses PyEphem for solar position calculations. Parameters ---------- lower_bound : datetime.datetime upper_bound : datetime.datetime location : pvlib.Location object attribute : str The attribute of a pyephem.Sun object that you want to solve for. Likely options are 'alt' and 'az' (which must be given in radians). value : int or float The value of the attribute to solve for pressure : int or float, optional Air pressure in Pascals. Set to 0 for no atmospheric correction. temperature : int or float, optional Air temperature in degrees C. xtol : float, optional The allowed error in the result from value Returns ------- datetime.datetime Raises ------ ValueError If the value is not contained between the bounds. AttributeError If the given attribute is not an attribute of a PyEphem.Sun object. """ try: import scipy.optimize as so except ImportError as e: raise ImportError('The calc_time function requires scipy') obs, sun = _ephem_setup(location, pressure, temperature) def compute_attr(thetime, target, attr): = thetime sun.compute(obs) return getattr(sun, attr) - target lb = datetime_to_djd(lower_bound) ub = datetime_to_djd(upper_bound) djd_root = so.brentq(compute_attr, lb, ub, (value, attribute), xtol=xtol) return djd_to_datetime(djd_root,